Saturday, November 7, 2009

Finally! A new version

After a break of many years I'll release a new beta version of PPJoy soon. The release of Windows 7 seems a good time to also release a x64 capable version of PPJoy.

This is a bit of a rough release with minimum updates to the documentation. Te main goal is to make the 64bit drivers and the new installer available for testing. It feels a little wrong to keep sitting on the 64 bit version :-)

I will post a URL as soon as I can arrange new web hosting for PPJoy.

Lastly - an apology from me for not answering to comments. I had comment notification turned off and never saw them. Fixed now :-)


  1. Thanks for this! Will be getting Windows 7 64-bit soon and was bummed PPjoy wouldn't work. Hopefully these beta drivers will and/or you have a stable version out soonish!

    1. Hi, this is such a great article.
      Think you just about covered everything on blog commenting,
      I’ll bookmark your site and come back to read your
      other articles!

  2. Thank you very mutch!!!! I Love you dude =)))

  3. windows 7 64 pro. had to run cmd as administrator, set autosigning to on and restart, after that installed like a charm. working fine with my wiimote and glovepie.


  4. Exactly what I wanted it for as well Andrey, thanks for confirming.

  5. I'm glad to see that the driver is still being maintained! :-)

    However, what is this RapidShare BS...? They say I need to become a premium member (€6.99 minimum) to be able to download this driver AT ALL. I'd happily donate that amount and more to the author for making this driver - but all Rapid$hare got today is a guaranteed non-customer.

    Sorry about the whining, but I simply find the ways some companies try to make money infuriatingly offensive.

  6. Well, the fine print below the rather offensive "This file can only be downloaded by becoming a Premium member" suggests that it's "just" a matter of no more slots being available - but that appears to be a constant condition, so it doesn't make much of a difference...

    What kind of traffic are you expecting?

    For the time being, I have a few GB/month to spare over at

  7. @david: Sorry about the RapidShare nonsense - that is indeed very nasty. It would be great if you help host the download - it is only 2.5MB. Unfortunately I have no idea about the volume!

  8. Hi Deon, really great thanks to you for that.
    But it doesn't work with my 64-bit Win 7.
    It probably thinks that its 32-bit cause in control panel it shows PPJoy(32-bit) and when i start it makes Fatal Error ( Cannot open the PPJoy device driver. Please install PPJoyBus.sys first).
    But PPJoyBus is there.
    Any ideas?

  9. Petr, did you run teh BCDEDIT command like the installer says you should? If not you will get this failure. You should see "TEST MODE" in the corners of your screen after you reboot. Else PPJoy WILL NOT WORK.

    The Control Panel applet is still a 32 bit app, this is perfectly normal. The drivers are 64 bit and that is what matters.

    1. Wait, what is the BCDEDIT command? Where do I run it from? I am having the same problem.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Can you please post another mirror for the file?

    The rapidshare mirror requires to get membership to download, can't download it for free ;(

  12. Try this:

    (I can only handle a few thousand downloads/month though, so be nice! ;-)

  13. Not working, says cannot due to unsigned drivers not being allowed but I am currently in Test Mode... so they should be allowed :3

  14. Thanks for the mirror david ;)

  15. Thanx a lot Deon. Now i love it even more, when it works :)
    Keep up a good work and thanx again!!

  16. Thanks a lot! I'm excited that it works!

    DiabloTerrorGF: after you run the command in cmd, you have to reboot THEN run the installer. Is it still not working?

  17. Thank you very much for this fantastic drivers, works perfectly. Just used it in a small project, you can see a video of it on Youtube ( ).
    Sorry for that german blabla :-)

  18. Works fine with my Logitech G940 and Win7 x64.

  19. Have I got to play in Test mode always?

  20. Fantastic!
    I wrote SmartPropoPlus which depends heavily on PPJoy. Now, many of my user are upgrading to x64 and I just had to tell them that they cannot use SmartPropoPlus. I even bought books on writing WDF drivers but never got round doing anything.
    Looking forward to test your new driver and hope we can collaborate.

  21. I've tried this software on Win7 64bit Ultimate, It seems that I'm getting PPJoyBus.sys driver not found. However, the PPJoyBus64.sys driver was installed perfectly. Perhaps the control panel does not detect the PPJoyBus64.sys file?

    Yes I have testsigning enabled.

  22. (up to 120MegaByte/s)

    great app! gotta host it for you guys! :D
    no traffic limit, so dl away :)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. problem with most people is running command prompt from only normal user account when infact you need to follow directions below for windows 7 to work....
    1. Click on Windows 7 Start Button

    2. Go to All Programs-> Accessories

    3. Now right on Command Prompt and select “Run as Administrator” from context menu.

    4. paste/type, BCDEDIT -SET TESTSIGNING ON hit enter

    5. restart computer you will see test mode bottom right by clock.

    6. run the installer again!

  25. Hi there,

    I've followed above to the letter but still am unable to install the driver. I'm still in test mode and even disabled UAC in a last attempt.. Tried firing it up with and without admin rights but from the start I get the never changing message below:

    Your system does not allow unsigned drivers to be installed.

    Please change the driver signing setting in COntrol Panel, then restart the PPjoy Joystick Driver installation.

    Ive been through control panel and couldnt find anything but disabling UAC. then after reset and still in test mode still above message comes haunt me...

  26. With Win7, (maybe Vista):

    When you boot your PC, start pressing F8. If you do it soon enough, you will get a menu. Select "Disable Driver Siganture Enforcement."

    You should be able to install and use PPJOY. You will have to do this everytime you want to use PPJOY until it becomes a signed driver.

  27. Hi geo111, thanks for your advice but sadly no luck so far.

    I use win7 ultimate x64 build 7600 it shows me in test mode. I went in testmode and as you adviced was brought to F8 menu where i disabled driver signature enforcement. I still get the same response. Your system does not allow unsigned drivers to be installed..

    I don't understand why this doesnt work... oh well.. I'll have another go at it next year. You lot enjoy newyears eve yeah? All the best of luck to you!

  28. ummm.. I never said anything about being in test mode.

    Get out of test mode and try it again.

  29. Alas still no go.. *sniff* My win7 might be b0rked or something...

  30. It will not work for me either, i have tried everything.

  31. Hi,

    i have same problem as Rory (same operation system). Have you found any solution? F8 dont work, test mode dont work, GPEdit.msc too. I thing that these settings are usefull only for standalone sys driver, but not for installation.

  32. If you have win7 and if disabling the Driver Signature Enforcement via the F8 boot menu does not allow you to install or use PPJOY; you need to get busy doing some research. Google is a great tool for this.

    I'm not trying to be a smart a$$. There is a bunch of information on this issue out there. You might get more help figuring out why you are unable to disable the signed driver enforcement rather than why you cannot install and use one specific unsigned driver.

  33. It was a first what i did, start google...Lot of information of this issue? Really? Only 4 ways how to do it, i tried all of this, it works only with direct driver installation, NO other information about PPJOY error. This is a reason why i wrote question to this blog, because people has same problem as me. Anyway thanks a lot for you help.

  34. I googled, "windows 7 unable to disable signed driver enforcement" and I got a lot of hits.

    It is likely that your win7 installation is different from mine and from others who are also able to disable the signed driver enforcement. I wish that I knew what that difference was.

    One of the hits that I got from my search listed a program that could disable the SDE (Signed Driver Enforcement). I'll look into that after work tonight.

  35. Thanx,

    i tried lot of programs, but still same error, than i tried to copy installed newest version from XP, so than i installed all inf drivers manually via hdwwiz command, it works, i can start program, no error message about missing sys driver, i can add new controler, but if i want to scan for axes nothing happend, new joystick is in the system but if i move nothing is happend. I have logitech G940 (joystick, throttle, rudder as 3 devices). Not anyone have any idea or advice? Thank you

  36. Hey Alfred, I got something for you.

    On the Logitech support forums, under PC Gaming look for the thread titled, "Axis Issues g940. They may have a way to Windoes to see the G940 as a single device.

  37. Will There Be a Rename Joystick Ability? And Possibly The Ability to Have Multiple XY Crosshair Boxes In the Driver window?

  38. win 7 don't le me install the driver!argh!!!!

  39. Same problem when trying to install:
    'Your system does not allow unsigned drivers to be installed'
    Running Vista Ultimate x64 Build 6002 SP2
    UAC disabled
    Logged in as an Administator
    Test Mode IS!! running I have the Test Mode text in the corners of the screen.

  40. Do you know if it works with a Parallel->USB converter?

    BTW: About the host problem, try to upload it on It don't have any restrictions about traffic (volume of downloads). Only size (200MB, what isn't really a problem :)

  41. A needed step (at least on my machine) which I didn't see mentioned here is that after enabling Test Mode and restarting, you must run the PPjoy installer as Admin (right click, Run As Admin...). Otherwise it wouldn't work.

  42. I can't get the installer to work without having my Windows 7 x64 (7600 build) nag me about the drivers being unsigned...

    I've tried various methods such as...

    1. Changing settings in gpedit.msc (does not work with Windows 7 as stated when you change the settings).
    2. Using cmd to edit two lines of bcdedit.exe (disable integrity checks and another one)
    3. Use third-party software Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider 1.3b.
    4. Using f8 to disable driver signing during startup

    ....None of these methods worked for me :( Any suggestions

  43. hey.... for windows 7 and vista x64 you can just press f8 during boot and disable driver signing enforcement... :) thats what i do.

    1. as stated above. everyone has tried this...still not working.... -_-

  44. umm... could you put up another link somewhere
    else because rapid sharew has benn preetty busy
    the last cuple of MONTHS so i've only managed to download this once

  45. I'm trying to configure my dx6i to work with my windows 7 32bits. Mapping parameters seems to change by themself... here's an exemple : analog 4 work for the throttle then I modify setting to get the other axes to work and the throttle doesnt respond anymore, or worst it control now the x axis. I'm really confused, can you help me?

  46. As a lot of people here, I can't make this work on Seven 64 bits. I tried to enable test mode (watermark is showing), F8 during boot, DSEO, still this "unsigned drivers" error.
    I run Windows Seven 7600 64 bits, French localized. Any help?

  47. Oh yeah Mr. Westhuysen. How hard is it to write an app for IOCTL that can accept input from a usb capture button? =)

  48. There are dental intra-oral cameras that sell for around $3000.00 which is the average price.

    China is making some for around $150.00 on ebay, and they are great for the money.

    But some software called Dentrix Image is very selective on what cameras you can use AND the capture buttons.

    I can get ANY camera to work, but not the capture button.

    I know SotaOptics wrote some software with PPJoy to get that to work, but it only benefits the $3000.00 camera.

    A LOT of docs go out and buy this camera, only to find only one piece of software can utilize the capture button.

  49. I tried writing a driver to do this with STI.Events, but the STI.Events dont work while capturing an image.. Only if the camera is not in use, will it work.

  50. Nice! I use these drivers for this instructable for using Genesis controllers on the PC

    Thanks a lot to the author!

  51. Hi.

    First sorry for my English.

    I have Windows 7 x86 and I can't install this PPJoy. When I start installer says: "Please verify that your 64 bit system allows the installation test signed driver.

    Click OK to continue PPJoy Joystick Driver installation or CANCEL if you need to change the setting.


    If I click OK, PPJoy will install, but when I start it says: "Cannot install PPJoy device drivers. Please install PPJoyBus.sys first."

    Can anybody help me please? Any help would be great! :)

  52. This looks like great software, but I too cannot seem to get past this driver signing malarkey. On windows 7 x64 7600, I have done the following:
    1) disabled driver signing stuff via the command prompt/ enabled test mode
    2) done the same thing with dseo
    3) fake signed all three (not four?) .sys files for ppjoy
    4) ran setup.exe as an administrator

    A fix for this would be great; I have certainly tried lots of combinations of things but nothing seems to work.

  53. Same problem here - cannot install PPJoy

    - used the bcdedit command - Testmode watermark is showing
    - UAC is disabled

    Still getting that mentioned error code that system won't let me install unsigned driver!

  54. Ive had the same problem as EVERYONE else trying to install PPJoy

    Im running windows 7 7600 (64bit) ultimate.
    UAC is turned off like it always has been(I hate UAC)
    used driver signature enforcement overrider 1.3b to run in test mode,
    I run PPJoy as admin and still get the "system does not allow unsigned drivers to be installed"

    ive unpacked the installer exe, to a folder to try install the drivers 'manually' and sign the 4 'sys' files. but I am unsure how to install the drivers. ive tryed hdwwiz command and selected the PPJoy.INF but windows crashes.

    any help on how to install these drivers manualy would be much appreciated!!

    Thanks in advance!!
    can't wait to use my spektrum DX6 with this!!

  55. Before installing ESET Smart security I could install PPJoy on Win7 x64.But now I have this error: "Your system does not allow unsigned drivers to be installed".

  56. Guys guys...its very simple see....
    the first thing you do even before you run the installer is run this command in a Command Prompt window that is opened as Administrator :

    bcdedit /store c:\boot\BCD -set testsigning on

    Now note note NOTE !!!...if the above command is not run in an Administrator command window and also if it does not execute successfully, PPJoy will fail !!!

  57. Now when you start the command prompt by simply clicking on it you will in 99% of cases run it in user mode which does not allow you to change the BCD it contains critical booting options without which windows will not boot. So right click on command let me be clearer :
    Start Menu > Accessories > Command Prompt(right click : Run As Administrator)

    So now the command window opens in Administrator mode(see title bar). Now my BCD file is in C:\boot

    This folder is not visible normally. You have to login into windows 7 as Administrator and uncheck Hide Protected OS Files(google if you cant do this). Next run the command as I said above :
    bcdedit /store c:\boot\BCD -set testsigning on

    Make sure it says operation successful. If its says ANYTHING else it will not work.

    else the drive file will not be taken by Windows

    Good not when you are back in Look to the right it showing: "Test mode"

    Good goto control panel>hardware>Parallel Joystick

    Do the mapping stuff...and your success or fails here....lets see if we can improve the acceptance rate of this thing.

  58. NOTE : BCDEDIT -SET TESTSIGNING ON may fail if you are multibooting with linux or any other OS. I think the BCD store location is modified so you have to explicitly specify where it is by the /store option. It was so in my case newayz !

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Nice work, Deon! If you are steel looking for storage, you may store and distribute your binary from google sites. Go to, make accout, create page, choose File Cabinet. And just upload your binary. Regards.

  61. OK, I managed to get test mode working, but still no joy. I DO NOT get an error of any kind now, I just get nothing happen when I hit scan mode - it does not detect any axes or buttons. Tried with multiple sticks incl a USB 360 controller.

    I originally did not reboot after setting test mode, so the initial install suffered from errors. I tried various things, including uninstalling, rebooting, installing (ran installer as admin) and rebooting again, but no joy.

    Please help!

  62. You are talking about problems with 64bit win 7 but i'm unable to run it with my 32bit win Xp pro.
    What should i do with this errors?

    There are screenshots from previous version of this software but with i have the same issue.

    Please anyone help here or
    thanks in advance

  63. not working on windows7 ultimate x64 version, but working on windows7 ultimate x32 version with turn on windows 7 test mode

  64. I'm getting code 10 "the device cannot start" from the device manager, and PPJoy says "Cannot read mapping from josytick driver" Dx

    If you know what i can do to fix, please send me a msg at (i use plus addressing to help organize messages)

  65. Google english ^ ^
    I hope it is in ok, I've changed it. I have read only the old setup.exe from the old version, and extract the new exe. I combined it all and put the download. And its work. to find here

  66. Do I have to keep it in test mode to use the driver?

  67. When I first installed it and made a virtual joystick for my mouse, it worked fine. However, after restarting, my joystick suddenly wouldn't respond. I still have the signing protection off so the program will work, but the buttons on it aren't working, and I can't seem to get them to work again at all. And yes, I do have the send-mouse-input-to-joystick active.

  68. >>Do I need a Windows 7/64 bit version of Joyjoy to go with my PPJoy?<<

    Dear Deon,

    I have not yet switched from XP, but was thinking about going to Windows 7 64 bit. I am thrilled that PPJoy will now work on that system.

    My question:

    Do I need a new version of JoyJoy to use a joystick mixer, or will the old version continue to work? I use Joyjoy to get my old Red Baron 3D (from 1998!) to work.

    Regards and thanks,

  69. @George: Only the .sys files are different between 32 and 64 bit versions. All the other utilities (control panel, JoyJoy, etc) are the same.


  70. Hi deon,

    have you ever thought about making ppjoy an opensource project ?


  72. Hi all... I downloaded this last version of ppjoy nut I can't use it!:( I've windows 7 x64, setted in test mode with bcd edited with cmd, i tried with F8 and DSEO but nothing...

    Everythin it say me "your system doesn't not allow to install unsigned drivers, check your control panel settings", i modified settings with gpedit.msc but nothing!!!!;(

    Can someone help me please? I made anything, I'm in test mode but I cannot use ppjoy!!

  73. I've gotten PPJOY to install just fine, but it does not detect my G25 Steering Wheel the axes or the buttons when I hit scan. Any idea how to fix this?

  74. I have Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, when I open it from controlpanel it gives error
    "Cannot open the PPJoy device driver. Please install PPJoybus.sys"

  75. Not sure if this was mentioned, but for some odd reason KIS 2011 Internet Security is listing the ppjoy download as a Trojan and moves the installer into quarantine. I have to turn it off to download it and install it.

  76. im getting the same d@!# error as asad is, i have googled the problem and found nothing that works
    i have installed, uninstalled, and reinstalled the program and it still doesnt work
    gonna try a restart again, ill post with the result

  77. nope, didnt work
    gonna try something else now

  78. I can probably provide hosting for binaries if you are interested give me a shout at
    the {underscore} geshp at hot mai l dot com

    Cheers keep up the good work

    Please be aware that the download link at the top of this page contains a virus. I am very cautious of viruses and have had false warnings before. I have used this software a few years ago and it was great so I trusted this version and assumed it was a false alert. Unfotunaltley this virus totaly disabled my PC to the point it required a reformat. I just downlaoded it again today to check, and the file you are posting a link to still contains the virus.

  80. see the youtube video then click on the last version the windows will say that he dont recgnogize the version but will work !!!!! incredible !!!!

  81. does anyone have the oldest version of ppjoykey? ( the version with only until the 8th button )

  82. @Shadowkiss - why no you need to old version? As far as I recall I didn't take any functionality away or break anything? :)

  83. Hi, when will be released the version for windows 7 x64?

  84. Do you have plans to add keyboard block in the future? VJoy has that option but I like to use your software.

  85. Every major AV has spotted a trojan virus in the package regardless of algorithms they use - it's not a false alarm.

  86. Hello, is it possible to have multiple controllers sharing the same parallel port?
    I have only 1 parallel port on my PC and i'd like to use it with multiple controllers without removing+adding each time i switch one.

    Second request: is there a parallel port to usb adapter that is compatible with ppjoy?

  87. McAfee Security detects this version and as a Trojan. F-secure doesn't detect anything wrong with this. What should i know about this?

  88. My whole website(s) just got shut down for hosting this supposedly trojan-infected file. Damn you, Deon!

  89. Funny, but I scanned it with Malwarebytes and with Microsofts Security Essentials, and no malware was detected.

  90. IOCTL Sample is great! But would it be possible to write it to say what happens when you let go of the button? I am reading about WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR and I suck.. Need some sort of script too look at that says what happens when the user lets go of the keys... and to change the button on ppjoy.

  91. And I was wondering how I can turn that into a TSR. I do have some people who would love to use a Chinese Intra-Oral camera with PPjoy..etc. You can have it all! Otherwise Dentists can use $2000-$3000 cameras.

  92. That's cool. Came up as a virus through AVG.


  93. Por favor alguien que lo halla descargado que me lo envie a mi correo, pues no tengo acceso al rapishare, se lo agradecere un monton, saludos.
    mi correo es

  94. This has been out for awhile, but I just came across this "virus" issue- It is NOT a virus. I submitted it to Microsoft for analyses and it is NOT a virus. Here's the results page:

  95. Did you run it on Win7Pro64 (build 7600) ??
    I can't
    it still says 'your system does not allow unsigned....'
    1. I've run bcedit (as admin)
    2. i've changed thru gpedit
    3. i've restarted system many times

  96. I would like to suggest to download this:
    I made that compressed file with everything I found in the net related to PPJoy (Use it as a mirror in Mediafire if you want (it has the same file I got here from rapidshare).
    Like you I was unable to install the unsigned driver with my Win7x64Sp1 (doing all the four steps and whathever comes to mind with no sucess).
    But I found an installer which seems to be unofficial but it works which is packed with all the installers in my package.
    Anyway all of them are in the compressed .exe GL.

  97. I can't get ppjoyjoy file to show up and and can't find anyplace to download it separately. Why would it be gone? Running XP MCE (32bit). I really want to set up my g940 for x3tc.

  98. Dear Deon,

    Thank-you for your response to my question about PP Joyjoy mixer from July 2010! I thought my comment did not get through to you, but obviously it did. (I just don't understand blogs yet.)

    I shall now happily load up Windows 7 64 bit and give it a whirl.

    George Boles.

  99. Thanks a lot, works great, great work!


    Does NOT contain a trojant.

    I scanned it with Microsoft Security Essentials and with Malware Bytes; no malware was detected.

  101. Hi Deon, im doing a project using the PPJOY, wiimote and glovepie. Basically I'm controlling a roboic arm.Glovepie read the wiimote signal and give it to ppjoy then ppjoy give to SERVO COMMANDER (servo motor controller software). The motors are controlled by ppjoy drivers, but every time I connect more than one wiimote to the glovepie,ppjoy don't send the signal to the srevo commander, and if I disconnected one wiimote, the servocommader read the signal from PPJOY is that problem because of a setting in ppjoy? by the way the ppjoy read the signal from glove pie when more than onw wiimote iss connected it just doesnt send it to the servo commander. thanks for time

  102. Well, I have downloaded the version that Deon put at the top of the page and Norton 2009 fully updated showed NO VIRUSES.

    I have got it to install and open successfully the configure table the first time by doing the BCDEDIT thing and turning off UAC as Dumbo suggested. (Although I admit I have not yet plugged in my joysticks to check it works! This is my first day with Windows 7 HomePremium)

    Deon, you need a thick skin even to be helpful. Some people are so ungrateful. Thank-you for your good work.


  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Okay, I finally got it installed...I found a modified installer that makes the needed boot-up changes for test mode to get it to install...I don't know what it did differently, but it's on now. However, when I create a joystick, Windows tries to install drivers for it and fails to find any. Stuck again, any ideas? I can't setup any mappings until it gets some drivers installed!

  105. Yay! I got the last hitch worked out... apparently Windows ability to seek out drivers is retarded. I had to choose to manually install the drivers and tell it to look in the ppjoy folder. It complained about unsigned drivers again, but did, in fact install the Joystick! :) I'll have to write up a read me or something to post somewhere...

  106. Im using ppjoy with PS2 keyboard and usb keyboard. But I have a problem.Two keyboards moving together. Do u know why it happenings. ben sağa bastığımda o da sağa gidiyor şut desen zaten zar zor çekioz.

  107. Any reason the drivers arent digitally signed? I cant run them in win7 if they arent

  108. your tool was a life savior!

    I used it to separate z rot and z axis into y axis and z rot in order to use both pedals(that are separate by default and can't change from driver since there are no settings for this).

    Now i can play games like NFS pro street or NFS Undercover with both of my pedals although the games are made for combined pedals only.

    The wheel I am using is a Canyon CNG-GW3.

    What I did was, after install, i created a new joystick with 12 buttons and 3 axis.

    I then opened the mixer, and set all of the buttons to "USB RACING WHEEL" buttons.

    ... and so on.

    Then I set up my x axis to be x axis,
    y axis to be z rot and z axis to be z axis.(while having selected the "USB RACING WHEEL" for the device(first column))



    everything else i left blank.

    NOTE: SAVE THIS INI using the "Save .ini" button on the bottom left corner of the remixer since you'll load this everytime you open the remixer.

    I then went to control panel, devices and printers, right clicked on my USB RACING WHEEL and clicked on "Game controller settings".

    I then selected my virtual joystick and clicked Properties -> Settings -> Calibrate

    I then calibrated by turning the wheel left, right and hitting the BREAK PEDAL(since it uses the Y axis)

    then clicked next and calibrated the gas pedal and I was done.

    When I now load a game, i simply have disabled for the wheel the gas and break pedals and enabled them for the controller.

    If not both of the controllers(virtual joystick and wheel) show up in the game, simply unplug the wheel, start the game and then plug the wheel back in so that only the joystick is detected and you can now play.

    Just to recap: The Canyon CNG - GW3 can now play games that only know of combined pedals.

  109. Just so people know, the "Configure Joysticks" and "Joystick remixer" that I mentioned of can be found in the start menu in "PPJoy Joystick Driver" folder.


    When playing, don't close the "Joystick remixer" or it will not work!

    Cheers again guys! Happy gaming!

  110. Oh, I almost forgot(I'm really tired).

    IMPORTANT: When in games, the brake pedal(whichever you set to be on the y axis) will cause the menus to go up(as if holding down the UP ARROW on the keyboard). it is normal. to fix this when in menu mode, simply press the gas pedal until you reach the middle(not all the way through).

    This way you will center the y axis and can go through the menus normally.


  111. Ok this is stating to get silly.

    I have run lots of programmes and now PPjoy is signed, (When you click on properties it says that the digital signature is valid.) But when i run it, even as Admin, it dosent run. Just get the same error about my system dosent allow unsigned drivers. What do i do? ive spent all day trying to figure this out.

  112. I have some problem with the tool.
    I play Top Spin 2 on PC.
    I set 0 Axes 10 Buttons 1 POV hats for the game.
    In the first time, I can move around the player or playing the game with the keyboard arrows. (Playing the game nice and well)

    In the second day, I can't use the arrows for selecting options even can't move the player.
    (I think is the problems of setting the PPjoy, I'm not sure my setting is correct or not.)

    Could please help me to solve the problem?
    It's really annoying to reinstall the game and the ppjoy every time.

  113. 2 years and no viable solution. Ok So i tried all 4 steps from earlier in this thread. nothing, i watched the youtube link, got the new rapidshare file there. Got a little further--->(configure joysticks didn't work.

    I think this application is poorly built and needs to be remade for install ESPECIALLY for windows 7 64bit.

  114. There is a solution!!!
    This version works for me! I couldnt install before, but with this link it works! I hope it has no virus, but it works!

  115. It doesn't work for me. It makes a error when i try to run PPJoy 'Cannot open the PPJoy device driver. Please install PPJoyBus.sys first' but i installed PPJoy. I have Windows 7 64bit.
    During installation it showed a warning about BCDEDIT.exe. I runned BCDEDIT.exe when showed that message and it doesn't work too.

  116. Alexander Mir you legend! I used the PPJoy download link in the comment of the youtube video linked below and it installed straight away. I had to click 'install driver anyway' when i warned me but it works!

  117. I have attempted to install PPJoy several times using test mode, and I am unable to get the drives to work correctly.

    The error is as follows.

    Windows cannot apply all of the properties for this device. Device properties may include information that describes the device's capabilities and settings (such as security settings for example). (Code 50)

    To fix this problem, you can try reinstalling this device. However, it is recommended that you contact the hardware manufacturer for a new driver.

  118. Thx,for this driver :-). I use it for Kempston Joystick in ZX Spectrum emulator

  119. Good Morning,

    The PPJoyx64 is no longer available on the link:, please, where I find the installer (setup) provided by the developer for download as available on the Internet have computer viruses.

    Thank you

    Pothead Test

    Original message in Portuguese:

    Mensagem original em Português:

    Bom dia,

    O PPJoyx64 não está mais disponível no link:, por favor, onde encontro o instalador (setup) fornecido pelo desenvolvedor para download, pois os disponíveis na internet possuem vírus de computador.


    Cabecao de Teste

  120. The link doesn't work. Thank you for killing my childhood.



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  150. Open the browser and enter in the URL bar and press Enter.Microsoft 365 setup Click the blue sign-in button and enter your credentials to sign in with your Microsoft account. You can use any account associated with any Microsoft service like XBOX, Skype, or Windows. However, if you are new to Office, click Create New Account to create a free account with Microsoft.

  151. Keep the tr4500 printer turned on.IJ.start.Canon Get the originals to be copied & printed.Remove all the paper clips and staples on the paper.Place the original document on the platen.A screen with the message Color Copying [Start]Scan next page appears.You can press either Black or Color to get the copies.Take the printed sheets from the output tray of the Canon TR4500 Setup.If the connection between the printer and system fails, try to connect the cable to a different USB port.If the printer is connected to a hub, detach it and connect it to the system directly.Check if the printer is connected to a proper port.After trying all the solutions mentioned on the screen, try to print a test page.Damaged power cable may be the reason for the issue. Inspect the cable for any damages. Replace the cable if it is worn out.If the Canon TR4500 Setup name does not display on the list of available devices, uninstall and reinstall the printer driver.Check if the installed driver is updated. Corrupted drivers do not show the printer’s name.

  152. If you haven't customized the file location, you just need to go to the Downloads folder to run the downloaded file. Double click on the ij.start.cannon installer file and click Run to quickly extract the files. The main Canon driver setup interface will appear on your screen. Before going to the next page, setup verify the language in which you will be using the printer control software. Therefore, to change it click on the Language tab and it will show all the available options. Select the language you recognize well, then click Next on the main screen.

  153. Here you will see separate options for establishing a connection. Select the Wireless LAN Settings option and a pop-up window will appear on your printer screen. Press OK. Choose the SSID Settings option and then select Access Point. Select your preferred network name and enter the Wifi security key correctly.ij.start.cannon Wait until the printer display shows Connected.

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